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Beechwood’s world-class, multi-disciplinary team and associates seek clarity on the other side of complexity. Although these experienced practitioners are subject matter specialists, they prefer to facilitate and motivate those who then have to implement the strategy rather than instruct and dictate.




Fred brings a lifetime’s experience and deep understanding of how to engage and align different parties. He is above all things a listener, a devotee of simplicity, poetic moderator of reality, and has an infectious sense of humour. Since co-founding TEAMWIN, Fred has invested time developing innovative solutions for large, often disparate groups of people, including IT functions and their respective business units, mergers and acquisitions, and the mobilisation and alignment of global strategic initiatives across cultures. In recent years, his work has broadened to include environmental challenges, specifically in SE Asia, remediating issues of polluted rivers, lakes and water tables, and turning waste into useable and cheap energy. Fred divides his time between Los Angeles and Melbourne.

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