Beechwood’s world-class, multi-disciplinary team and associates seek clarity on the other side of complexity. Although these experienced practitioners are subject matter specialists, they prefer to facilitate and motivate those who then have to implement the strategy rather than instruct and dictate.

John is an accomplished strategic thinker experienced at marshalling the best brains for difficult challenges. Instrumental in mobilising strategic initiatives in the financial services, IT, pharmaceuticals, marketing and communications, manufacturing and agribusiness sectors, he has also worked on assignments related to conflict-affected states requiring collaboration between the military, governments, NGOs and business. John set up Beechwood in London in 1989 and co-founded the TEAMWIN mobilisation methodology. He was previously European MD for an international advertising agency, following the sale of his own Australian agency. Starting as an agricultural scientist, he launched radical new livestock and farming practices for a major chemicals manufacturer, in established and developing markets. He was recently asked to record his recollections of the launch of ‘direct drilling’ 50 years ago – one of the major revolutions in Australia’s cropping history that did away with the plough – click on the download icon below to read his article.
In 2005, he published the book Caught in the Rip: Cutting across the conventional wisdom to make wise decisions.